The new version corrects several errors, makes a few changes, and adds one new feature.  This is the addition of a ‘Preset automatic signal routes’ button  available when ‘Operate railway’ is selected and ‘Pre-start’ mode entered.  This was added in response to a recent suggestion by Keith Hazelton (GoonerKeith) and because I was already making other significant changes to the routing functions.  More details are given under the ‘Version Information’ tab.

I has been released as a ‘beta’ (i.e. more likely to contain errors than a stable version) because of the number of changes that have been made.  Please try it out and let me know via the website if anything odd happens so that I can investigate and fix it if necessary.  The earlier (stable) version – v1.1.4 is still available for download for those that don’t already have it.

Click here to go to the ‘Downloads’ page

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