For archival purposes, it might be worth it to save the “old” news. Compiled here is the aggregated news over 2010:
2010 Archive
31 December 2010: Major update to James Underwood’s Slough IECC. This revision incorporates an updated layout, an extensive timetable based on real train movements, a starting session with automatic routes set, and a detailed operating guide.
27 December 2010: New project added – Just for fun: York, completely unhindered by any signals!
19 December 2010: Added the ability to move the screen viewpoint by larger amounts by holding the Shift key down when clicking the navigation buttons. This will reduce the number of clicks needed when navigating large railways.
16 December 2010: New program version – beta v0.4d – added. This corrects a fault (notified by Mark – many thanks), corrects another fault discovered while correcting the first fault, and adds some information to section 6 of the help file and user manual
14 December 2010: Sneak preview added of Craig Weekes’ current project West Coastway
29 November 2010: New program version – beta v0.4c – added. This corrects one fault (notified by Craig – many thanks), adds some information to the help file and user manual, and updates my email address in the quick start guide – see errors corrected & other changes page for more details.
27 November 2010: New project added – Preston by Craig Weekes
18 November 2010: New project added – Swanley by Craig Weekes
7 November 2010: It’s now been over 3 months since I was last notified of an error, which is encouraging but probably means that users are living with the errors they find rather than sending error files to me for analysis and correction. If you encounter errors then (a) please ensure that you are using the latest version – earlier versions were subject to errors as already reported; and (b) PLEASE send the error file(s) to – after all I can’t correct errors I don’t know about! Many thanks.
29 September 2010: Plennwell IECC updated by Glenn Mitchell. Now includes the latest railway version, a part-timetable and an automatic signals session.
17 August 2010: New project added – Slough IECC by James Underwood
13 August 2010: New project added – Plennwell IECC by Glenn Mitchell
08 August 2010: New page added – Links to other resources. This provides links to other railway simulators and information web pages. If you have a railway-associated page that you either own or think should be added then please send me the link in an email and if suitable I’ll include it – thanks.
26 July 2010: Source code files published on the GoogleCode website – see where they are available for read-only access by selecting the ‘Source’ tab and then ‘Browse’. The main files are in the ‘trunk’ folder, where ‘DeveloperGuide.doc’ will be found (select ‘View raw file’ and open with an application that will read Word 2003 files). This provides a summary of program history, structure, operation and interfaces, and also explains the file structure. Anyone wishing to contribute to further development should create a GoogleCode account then contact me and I’ll provide write access to the files. Version control is provided by ‘Subversion’, so anyone wishing to contribute needs to be familiar with this system – plenty of information is available on the web and it’s not difficult to learn the basics (even I can understand it!). I wish I’d known about it years ago as I’d have used it for my own development – it retains every change made to any file under version control. Contact email changed from to ‘’. This is a change Google have been encouraging for some time, and although the original address will continue to work it will probably be withdrawn at some time in the future. New program version – beta v0.4b – added. All this does is change the above email address in the error message, so there is no real need for existing users to download it.
25 July 2010: Slight change made to the user manual – section 6.3 now removes the restriction on running more than one railway.exe application at the same time. This is due to the use of unique temporary timetable files created when loading a timetable as reported on the changes page for version 0.4a.
20 July 2010: New program version – beta v0.4a – added. This corrects two faults and adds information about the GNU General Public License v3 – see errors corrected & other changes page for more details.
11 July 2010: New program version – beta v0.4 – added. This corrects two errors and makes a number of functional changes including zoom-out navigation, calling-on and route setting. See the errors corrected & other changes page for more information.
9 July 2010: Updated project – Glenn has updated his Woking ASC railway to version 2 with extensions to Berrylands, Worplesdon and Chertsey, improved layout at Weybridge and at Byfleet & New Haw, and an improved timetable.
29 June 2010: How’s this for a novel idea? Ben Leigh has sent in his “railway” of bus routes around Weymouth town centre. That’s something I wouldn’t have thought of but it works well. Weymouth “bus-railway”
29 June 2010: Changed the projects page layout so that the later projects are listed first
27 June 2010: New program version – beta v0.3a – added. Corrects a knock on error from the last release (Richard again found this – his railway is proving to be a very effective testbed for the program!). Also corrects errors in the timetable reload function.
21 June 2010: New program version – beta v0.3 – added. This corrects a routing error (thanks to Richard for notifying me of this) and makes some other changes, and it also makes some additions and corrections to the help files and user manual.
13 June 2010: Changed the format of this page so the latest items appear first.
13 June 2010: New program version – beta v0.2e – added. This includes the ability to move the viewpoint by 2 elements at a time by holding down the control (Ctrl) key when a ‘move viewpoint’ button is clicked. This allows much finer control of the railway position on the screen. It also corrects an error whereby if a railway was saved using menu items ‘File’ then ‘Save railway’ (rather than by using the ‘save railway’ button with the blue disk icon) the saved file would fail an integrity check on attempting to reload and therefore be unusable. No-one had reported this error so perhaps everyone uses the button rather than the menu. However if anyone has such unusable railways please send them to me at and I’ll fix them and return them to you.
2 June 2010: New project added – Woking ASC by Glenn Mitchell
31 May 2010: Two more timetables with lower train frequencies added to Matt Blades’ project – Blades Loop
30 May 2010: New project added – Blades Loop by Matt Blades
29 May 2010: New program version – beta v0.2d – added to correct train behaviour when attempting to start when facing buffers.
15 May 2010: New program version – beta v0.2c – added with corrections to the image generation functions. It had been noticed that in some circumstances images were distorted.
14 May 2010: Sneak a preview of James Underwood’s latest project – Slough IECC. This is a major work that is still in development.
13 May 2010: A new program version added – beta 0.2b – including correction of timetable validation errors (thanks to Colin for notifying me of these), and updates to the user manual and help files to clarify the timetable requirements.
12 May 2010: New project added – LU Victoria Line by James Underwood
12 May 2010: A new page has been added – Railway projects, containing projects sent in by users for others to download and enjoy. Users are invited to send in project files – railways, timetables, saved sessions etc (preferabley zipped) – to, either finished or still in development, together with any related information (description, stage of development, future plans, operating advice etc), a contact name (needn’t be your real name if you prefer a nickname) and email address, and I’ll be happy to add them to the site.