This release makes one minor improvement and fixes three relatively minor bugs.


When timetabling the add and subtract minutes (‘Add mins’ & ‘Sub mins’) features required the timetable to be saved before they could be applied. This was never really necessary so the requirement has been dropped. Minutes can now be added or subtracted provided that the current entry contains at least one time and the minutes box contains a number. The reason for the earlier restriction was that many features do require the timetable to be saved, and this was just lumped in with the others without my giving it much thought. It was a nuisance having to save the timetable every time before adding or subtracting minutes, and this modification should make timetabling a bit easier.

Bugs fixed:

1. The reminder message for events that included both arrivals and departures stated that notifications would be given at both the arrival time and departure time, whereas only a single notification is given at the arrival time. The message has now been corrected.

2. When a train was selected to terminate early and become a follow-on service, all later location passes were listed as departures in the floating information window. These are now listed correctly. Thanks are due to Albie Vowles for notifying me of this by email.

3. When a shuttle train was selected to terminate early and become a follow-on service, the follow-on headcode was given as the first service headcode, rather than the repeat headcode as it should have been. The correct headcode is now given.

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