Oct 20, 2013 | News, Railway Projects |
This is a real one layout from New York city. There are only one real one timetable, right now, but I am sure you will enjoy it! There are some tiny glitch, but I will fix it as soon I have time for that! But do not worry, the layout is fully playable!!! So you can...
Aug 2, 2013 | News, Railway Projects |
This railway includes mainline and LU Piccadilly line services to all three Heathrow stations. Service intervals are 6 minutes for each of the two Piccadilly line services and 15 minutes for each of the two mainline services, so all lines are heavily used with lots...
Jul 7, 2013 | News, Railway Projects |
This is JK’s new railway, the complete LUL Central Line, released early without a timetable because other commitments have prevented him from being able to compile one. If anyone would like to compile a timetable then please ‘zip’ it then send it in...
Jun 27, 2013 | News, Railway Projects |
This is the Wembley Suburban layout, which is the 3rd rail DC lines running between Euston (off-screen) and Watford Junction. Also running on this route in real life is the northern end of the London Underground Bakerloo line, which runs between Queens Park and Harrow...
May 28, 2013 | News, Railway Projects |
Here is version 3 of Plennwell by Glenn Mitchell I abandoned v2.1 and went straight for v3 as there were a few things that I’ve changed that were annoying me a bit: Sidings at Plennwell North Removed Second bay platform at Astley (makes provision for removal of...
Apr 12, 2013 | News, Railway Projects |
v2.00 of Chiltern Railways has now been released. It incorporates several important changes to the route (for the purpose of realism and ease of operation) as well as corrections to some of the faults found in v1.00 Timetable. All the changes are explained in the...