Oct 16, 2012 | News, Railway Projects |
This is a replication of the whole Earls Court signal box District Line section. The Piccadilly Line has been left out for ease of operation, though I have added the Piccadilly Line tracks that run parallel with the District Line, but there are no services in the...
Jun 24, 2012 | News, Railway Operation Simulator |
The new version corrects several errors, makes a few changes, and adds one new feature. This is the addition of a ‘Preset automatic signal routes’ button available when ‘Operate railway’ is selected and ‘Pre-start’ mode entered. This was added in response to a...
Apr 29, 2012 | News, Railway Projects |
A full day simulation of the complete Bakerloo Line, with all 31 service trains originating and stabling on the layout. Full details in the ‘read me’ file. ***IMPORTANT*** I have designed this layout using the ‘gillsans’ font face, which is the closest...
Apr 25, 2012 | News, Resources |
Tom Street – bollotom@fsmail.net – has kindly offered to make Piccadilly Line signalling diagrams available to developers. I have seen these diagrams by David Hough and Matt Davis and they are extermely clear and detailed. Please email Tom if you would...
Apr 12, 2012 | News, Railway Projects |
This is a complicated layout that is just about manageable by one operator. You may find that for the first 30 minutes or so you can run the simulation at x2 speed, but once all the regular services are up and running real time speed is advisable. To make things...
Apr 8, 2012 | News, Website |
Our thanks to Keith Hazelton for creating a two-part video on how to create a railway from the ground up. Now everyone can create a railway with ease. You can find the video’s in the help section: 5. Designing a Railway (with video) If you have any questions to...