Apr 12, 2012 | News, Railway Projects |
This is a complicated layout that is just about manageable by one operator. You may find that for the first 30 minutes or so you can run the simulation at x2 speed, but once all the regular services are up and running real time speed is advisable. To make things...
Apr 8, 2012 | News, Website |
Our thanks to Keith Hazelton for creating a two-part video on how to create a railway from the ground up. Now everyone can create a railway with ease. You can find the video’s in the help section: 5. Designing a Railway (with video) If you have any questions to...
Apr 5, 2012 | News, Website |
As some of you might have noticed, the website has been updated a bit in some area’s… For those who haven’t been browsing as much, here’s what changed: Project pages I’m pleased to see that over the last couple of months an increase in...
Apr 4, 2012 | News, Railway Projects |
This is my second layout using Albert Ball’s superb program, and after the relative calm of the Aldgate Junction, things get a bit more hectic with Earl’s Court. I have used the Quail Track Diagrams map book but certain junctions have been simplified...
Apr 3, 2012 | News, Railway Projects |
This is the first released version of my attempt to re-create the complex triangular junction at Aldgate on the London Underground Network. Complex for two main reasons – the high-intensity of the service pattern and the fact that all crossovers are on level...
Mar 25, 2012 | News, Railway Operation Simulator |
In response to requests for timetable examples I have put a pack of tutorials together to illustrate how timetables can be constructed, from simple to complex. The main part of the pack is a pdf file containing tables of example timetables, with explanations for each...