Apr 5, 2012 | News, Website |
As some of you might have noticed, the website has been updated a bit in some area’s… For those who haven’t been browsing as much, here’s what changed: Project pages I’m pleased to see that over the last couple of months an increase in...
Apr 4, 2012 | News, Railway Projects |
This is my second layout using Albert Ball’s superb program, and after the relative calm of the Aldgate Junction, things get a bit more hectic with Earl’s Court. I have used the Quail Track Diagrams map book but certain junctions have been simplified...
Apr 3, 2012 | News, Railway Projects |
This is the first released version of my attempt to re-create the complex triangular junction at Aldgate on the London Underground Network. Complex for two main reasons – the high-intensity of the service pattern and the fact that all crossovers are on level...
Mar 25, 2012 | News, Railway Operation Simulator |
In response to requests for timetable examples I have put a pack of tutorials together to illustrate how timetables can be constructed, from simple to complex. The main part of the pack is a pdf file containing tables of example timetables, with explanations for each...
Mar 17, 2012 | News, Railway Projects |
Naarden Bussum, the new track by Bjorn Verzijlbergh, covers the actual track between the Dutch stations of Naarden-Bussum in the west and Baarn/Hollandsche Rading in the (south)east. This track is located between Amsterdam and Utrecht, and is quite heavily used....