Feb 11, 2024 | News, Railway Operation Simulator |
New and changed features: This version adds the ability to set timetabled event reminders for any train under timetable control. It was suggested indirectly by Flyin9 Scotsman and is such a useful feature that I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me before....
Jan 8, 2024 | News, Railway Operation Simulator |
New features: This version allows non-station named elements to be placed on points, crossovers and diagonals. It has been a lot more difficult to develop than expected, largely because of train splits that now have to allow for trains on more complex elements than...
Nov 3, 2023 | News, Railway Operation Simulator |
New feature: A new ‘Expand repeats’ button has been provided in the timetable editor – enabled when a repeating service is selected. It expands the service into separate equivalent services. For example a service that repeats every 30 minutes with 2...
Aug 31, 2023 | News, Railway Operation Simulator |
This is a bug-fix version that corrects bugs found in earlier versions. Kaelon noticed that a train that has its description changed during operation also caused service repeats to begin with the same changed description. This was not intended but I had overlooked it...
Jul 24, 2023 | News, Railway Operation Simulator |
The new feature in this version is the ability to use extended characters in location names. This will be useful for non-uk railways where some location name characters have special marks such as accents, umlauts, cedillas and so on. Additionally the restriction on...
May 23, 2023 | News, Railway Operation Simulator |
This is largely a bug fix version: the only behavioural change is an improvement in the warnings given when using timetable alphabetical mode. These make it much less likely that an alphabetical timetable will overwrite a non-alphabetical version in error. Bugs fixed:...