1. Quickstart (with Video)

HD-Video, best watched in full-screen.

To quickly start a new game:

  1. Open the program
  2. Select [file] -> [Load Railway]
  3. When aplicable, select the “filetype” to be “Railway File (*.rly)”. For some odd reason it’s sometimes set to “Development file (*.dev)”.
  4. Select the railway you want to use (make sure you unzipped the files and put them in the right folder) and click [Open].
  5. Now click on [File] -> [Load Timetable]
  6. This time you will need to select the corresponding timetable, it should be either the same name as the Railway or very similar, and click [Open].
  7. You have now loaded bith the track and the timetable, but the program isn’t there yet, you need to put the program in Operation-mode
  8. Click [Mode] -> [Operate Railway]
  9. Now the program is in operational mode. Please note that the program hasn’t started yet, so you can set some automated routes and other options you’d prefer.
  10. Click on the “Play” button, and you’re all set.

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