District Line – Western Area


This is a complicated layout that is just about manageable by one operator. You may find that for the first 30 minutes or so you can run the simulation at x2 speed, but once all the regular services are up and running real time speed is advisable.

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I have designed this layout using the ‘gillsans’ font face, which is the closest (that I know of) freeware font to the Johnston font used by London Underground. If you don’t have gillsans installed I have included it in the zip file. Just right click on it and chose install before running the program.


The map should fit onto one screen as long as you have a wide screen monitor and are using 1920×1080 resolution.


The layout is best viewed using the BLACK background – set this first before loading the .rly file.


This is a complicated layout that is just about manageable by one operator. You may find that for the first 30 minutes or so you can run the simulation at x2 speed, but once all the regular services are up and running real time speed is advisable.

To make things easier I have given each entry and/or exit point an identification letter which appear on the diagram in green. The first two letters of each train headcode shows the route starting and finishing code letter, so, for example, WD01 is a train running from Wimbledon (W) to Edgware Road (D).


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