GRT Waterloo


This highly simplified network covers the core section of Waterloo, omitting most outlying parts. The network only includes tracks which are actually used by this full timetable, with the exception of the ION Yards.

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GRAND RIVER TRANSIT Routes 7, 8, 12, 92, 201 iExpress and ION in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

This highly simplified network covers the core section of Waterloo, omitting most outlying parts. The network only includes tracks which are actually used by this full timetable, with the exception of the ION Yards.

This timetable includes four standard bus routes, one express bus route and one ION light rail line. Within reason, the timetable attempts to mimic reality. Thus, the Route 7 Mainline branches are properly interleaved and their destination signs do change at approximately the same locations along the route. Additionally, Route 92 University Loop is timetabled as a rush hour only service with with shuttle feeders and finishers entering and exiting the network at the start and end of the route’s service.

There are numerous routes serving the area covered by this network that are not included in this network or timetable. Attempting to replicate all such routes would be an exercise in mind-numbing agony, and operating such a network would require multiple signalers with a taste for insanity.

Most services run on a 15-minute interval, though the Route 7 Mainline vehicles appear out of Uptown Waterloo every 5 minutes, and Routes 8, 12 and 92 start vehicles in both directions simultaneously. ION starts trains every five minutes, but it does not require any attention to be paid to it if you use automatic routes.

Included in this package is the full timetable with all six routes, plus six separate timetables, one for each route in case you want to start off easy. More information about each route is included as comments in the timetable. The timetables have been refined such that as long as you’re on top of your signals, you should have 100% on-time performance.

That said, I hope you enjoy this simulation. Sit down, buckle up and get ready because it gets busy fast.


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