

This railway includes mainline and LU Piccadilly line services to all three Heathrow stations.

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This railway includes mainline and LU Piccadilly line services to all three Heathrow stations.  Service intervals are 6 minutes for each of the two Piccadilly line services and 15 minutes for each of the two mainline services, so all lines are heavily used with lots of interleaving traffic on both lines to keep the signaller on his or her toes.

If automatic signal routes are preset then it is advisable to delete the short section from the Paddington entry point to the signal just before the bottom Terminal 123 platform.  This is because shuttle service routes need to be set from Terminal 4 to the exit signal at the bottom Terminal 123 platform, which is adjacent to this platform’s entry signal for trains from Paddington, and the program won’t allow routes in opposite directions to finish adjacent to each other.

Good luck!


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