Slough IECC


Slough IECC for Railways is based on the real IECC panel that replaced Old Oak Common PSB. The IECC panel is called Slough New, as the Slough panel proper (Slough PSB) operates the section from West Drayton to Maidenhead.

Only registered users can download this free product.


31 December 2010:  James has updated this railway to include a revised layout, an extensive timetable based on real train movements, a starting session with automatic routes set, and a detailed operating guide which is well worth printing out and studying prior to operation.  The zip file contains all the new files.

Please note that the timetable will only work with the current version of the railway.

The text below is repeated from the earlier version, but note that platform 13 in the new layout can now hold 2 trains.

Slough IECC for Railways is based on the real IECC panel that replaced Old Oak Common PSB. The IECC panel is called Slough New, as the Slough panel proper (Slough PSB) operates the section from West Drayton to Maidenhead. Initially I was going to include both in one sim, but realised the size involved especially when trying to signal everything on your own, and also decided to keep it a bit realistic anyway.

Photos of Slough New can be found here:

The version I have created tries to simulate the real layout though is probably not 100%. Apart from platform 12,13 and 14, you can fit two trains into the rest of the platforms at Paddington, meaning you can start a simulation with, say, 2 services with 2 Class 165s or whatever in the same platform.
I have added platform numbers at the end of each line at Paddington, and you can use these in your timetable to inform players on which platform to use. For example in the train description you can write ’06:05 Reading – London Paddington P12′ etc.

It should all be working however if there is a problem or there is something missing, please do e-mail me at or use the comments section below.

Minor changes 21 August 2010 in v2 of the panel:

1. Fixes the Down Relief signal outside of Southall, which was on the Up Relief.

2. Adds missing signal near Hayes, so you can now route into Hayes bay platform.

Thanks to Malcolm Hale for his E-mail informing me of these errors, much appreciated!


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