NJM Railways

(6 customer reviews)


This presents some of Pakistan’s main railway routes.  Although the railway fits into a single screen a substantial amount of detail is included.

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This presents some of Pakistan’s main railway routes.  Although the railway fits into a single screen a substantial amount of detail is included.

Three timetables are provided, and it is suggested that the light traffic version be used first until familiarity is gained.  Considerable forethought is required in routing trains correctly.  The heavy traffic timetable is particularly busy and a real challenge, but to show that it is possible with only minor delays NajamUddin has included a performance file covering the first 15 minutes of operation.

NajamUddin can be contacted at najamalam@gmail.com or via the comments section below.

6 reviews for NJM Railways

  1. Oxalin

    A small yet very challenging simulation – with trains spawning regularly you’ll definitely find need for all the platforms!

  2. Krizar

    A very challenging simulation even on medium traffic, the single line working, regularly spawning services and joins make this a very advanced experience

  3. Daniel

    A simulation of extreme challenge and skill. Was an enjoyable route to operate, despite the difficulty. Highly recommended to use the light traffic timetable initially.

  4. Albert

    Wow this is intense!! I only used the medium timetable but still had to operate on half-speed. Note to self: Use light timetable next time until some familiarity is attained!

  5. MissCatTrap

    This was like storm Eunice as a simulation – very chaotic and I had trains going anywhere and everythwere- even only on medium.

  6. Bjorn

    Probably start on “easy” first…

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