Sydney City Circle


Sydney Trains provides train services throughout the Sydney CBD and metropolitan area. This simulation covers the Central Business District (aka the City). Insofar as is reasonable, this simulation attempts to mimic reality both in track layout and scheduling.

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Sydney Trains provides train services throughout the Sydney CBD and metropolitan area.

This simulation covers the Central Business District (aka the City).
Insofar as is reasonable, this simulation attempts to mimic reality both in track layout and scheduling. This timetable is roughly based off of the real schedule as of August 20, 2016. This timetable runs from 06:00 to 10:00 with the last train vacating the network at approximately 10:24.

Lines T1 (North Shore, Northern and Western Line) and T4 (Eastern Suburbs and Illawarra Line) are through services with all trains exiting at the opposite end from where they entered.

Lines T2 (Airport, Inner West and South Line) and T3 (Bankstown Line) use the City Circle (T2 in both directions and T3 in a clockwise direction only). Services inbound to the City are labelled as “to City Circle via [Town Hall or Museum]” with the via station indicating the first station after Central. At that via station, the trains change headcodes to indicate their new destination.

This timetable does not attempt to include any regional train services also using some of these lines.

Although this network and timetable may seem intimidating,most of it can be handled using automatic routes. The operator thus need only focus on a handful of tracks on either side of Central Station and the Martin Place Turnback.

For more information on Sydney Trains, visit

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