S-bahn Berlin


The Berliner S-bahn is together with the U-bahn the backbone of Berlins extensive transit system. With 340 KMs of track and a total of 168 stations, the 16 lines offer an all day service to customers. One of the most important cross city links is the Ringbahn (RIngline) with its 27 stations and a 60mins roundtrip on the S41 or S42.

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Take on the challenging Ringbahn which is one of the backbones of Berlin itself. With 27 stations and a 60 mins roundtrip of a complete circle on either S41 or S42. Along comes other services which use part of the ring itself. The service pattern is very dense with trains only a few mins apart in the peak hours, giving up to 21 tph at some sections, and services operate from 03:45 in the morning to 01:40 (25:40 in game) in the night. The scenario follows the real life timetable for the S-bahn Berlin as of 2023.

I recommend playing this busy scenario with no failures and only minor delays for the most enjoyable playthrough. I recommend playing at 2 times speed to around 6 o’clock and 1 times speed from 6 to 21:30 o’clock.

I have created an excel overview to simplify train information and showing when trains enter and exit the railway.


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