Stockholm-Uppsala, Sweden


This sim is a highly accurate reproduction of a workstation between Stockholm – Uppsala.

It starts off as a four track line that splits for a line branching to Arlanda airport, and then back to join the mainline north of the airport again.

With a timetable spanning from 13.00 to 02.00, and a high amount and variation of trains it is made to keep you on your toes. See more below.

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This sim is a highly accurate reproduction (distances, speeds, design etc.) as well as the timetable of the workstation between Ulriksdal, about eight kilometres north of Stockholm central, to the entry signals of Uppsala.

It starts off as a four track line that splits for a line branching to Arlanda airport, and then back to join the mainline north of the airport again. There is also several freight terminals.

With a mix of commuter trains, regional- , intercity- and express trains as well as freight and mail trains this sim aims to keep your interest up. Also, during the evening, the work vehicles come out before the traffic ends…

For details, instructions and background, see the extensive readme file (Stockholm-Uppsala – read me.pdf)


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