Chicago Union Station


This is a simulation of Chicago Union Station, made with Albert Ball’s Railways program. Covers both the north and south tracks and also includes the entrances to the yards south of the station and also the 16th Street junction.

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This is a simulation of Chicago Union Station, made with Albert Ball’s Railways program. Covers both the north and south tracks and also includes the entrances to the yards south of the station and also the 16th Street junction.

The project was created using this layout of Union Station:

The train times for the Amtrak trains were taken from official Amtrak timetables, while most of the Metra times are fictional, though the first train times and the train times of the Heritage corridor service were taken from official Metra timetables.

The first Amtrak train you will be signalling is a northbound Hiawatha service train, while the first Metra train you will signal will be an inbound MDW train from Elgin. Both use the north tracks.

This simulation is not for the faint of heart, since you will be signalling many trains!

Note that the timetable begins at midnight, but the first train enters at 05:25, so you may wish to advance the timetable. Also note that trains exiting to Buffalo should use track element N31-28 (top track), trains exiting to Aurora and Quincy should use track element N11-19 (2nd track from the right), and trains exiting to Milwaukee and Saint Paul should use track element 79-16 (rightmost track), otherwise exit errors will be recorded. Please take these exits into account when setting arrival platforms.

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