Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH)


This route depicts the small subway network that connects New Jersey to the city of New York. The network contains three routes which connect to either Sixth Avenue or World Trade Center (WTC). Included within the route is a simplified timetable based on Monday-Friday services.

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Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH)

This route depicts the small subway network that connects New Jersey to the city of New York. The network contains three routes which connect to either Sixth Avenue or World Trade Center (WTC). Included within the route is a simplified timetable based on Monday-Friday services. This is my first successful shuttle based timetable on a route.


The PATH network is operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey forming part of their transit system. Previously when operations commenced in 1908the system was run by the Hudson & Manhatton Railroad to connect New Jersey’s ports with the New York City predating all Subway lines within the city. However after bankruptcy in 1954 the system was renamed. The network is unique in that it falls under the Federal Railroad Adminstration due to its sharing of facilities with the NorthEast Corridor, including the Newark Dock Bridge.

The system runs 24/7 with varying services depending on time. A full summary of the network and timetable can be found within the official PATH leaflet included within the route zip file.

The Routes

Green – PATH green trains have been allocated the prefix ‘PG’ and operate between Hoboken and WTC. Non-passenger services which act as feeder services have been allocated the prefix ‘XG’.

Blue – PATH blue trains have been allocated the prefix ‘PB’ and operate between Hoboken and 33rd Street.

Red – PATH red trains have been allocated the prefix ‘PR’ and operate between Newark Penn station and WTC.

Yellow – PATH yellow trains have been allocated the prefix ‘PY’ and operate between Journal Square and 33rd Street.

Operation Notes

The included timetable provides a simulation experience perfect for those just getting into using Railway Operation Simulator with only a handful of junctions to monitor and the whole route fitting (on most machines) on the screen.

Due to there being four services operating on the same network it is strongly advised that you ensure all train information is visible by selecting ‘Information > Train > Show Status, Show Timetable’ within the game menus.

Within the timetable at the start of the simulation one service forms the last night operation following the joint Yellow/Blue timetable. This service from 33rd St to Journal Square calls additionally at Hoboken where it changes direction.

Trains arriving at Newark should pull into the headshunt before starting a new srvice.


All 13 stations along the network are included:

– Newark Penn
– Harrison
– Journal Square
– Grove St
– Exchange Place
– Pavonia/Newport
– Hoboken
– Christopher St
– 9th St
– 14th St
– 23rd St
– 33rd St

PATH train sidings have been included at Journal Square and Newark.
Given the large extent of the other sidings around Journal Square (including thse shared with the Northeast Corridor) and around the Harrison area only a few have been included within this route (people are welcome to add more!) however spurs to these additional areas have been included.


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