Woking ASC


Woking ASC covers a section of the Waterloo to Southampton line from Berrylands out to Pirbright Junction just beyond Brookwood, where the line branches off towards Aldershot, a distance of about 33km (20 miles). The timetable incorporates 28 services over a 16 hour period of operation, from 04:48 until about 21:00, with 38 trains per hour.

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Latest version of Woking. It comes with a modified layout to include more realistic signal placements and level crossings. The image in the ZIP folder shows where the automatic routes should be set – I kept finding errors when I was setting up an auto route session like I did last time and got fed up after about the 5th time of creating a session.

It also comes with a daytime timetable – based on the current timetable that operates off-peak Mondays to Fridays. I did test the timetable but have made one or two adjustments to it since, so if there are any bugs let me know.

Woking ASC covers a section of the Waterloo to Southampton line from Berrylands out to Pirbright Junction just beyond Brookwood, where the line branches off towards Aldershot, a distance of about 33km (20 miles)
The timetable incorporates 28 services over a 16 hour period of operation, from 04:48 until about 21:00, with 38 trains per hour.  At present the timetable repeats every hour and once it gets going it does get very busy!!  It has the regular passenger services at this point – no freight or special services – although it will be expanded in due course.

The railway has been updated to include extensions to Berrylands, Worplesdon and Chertsey, improved layouts at Weybridge and at Byfleet & New Haw, and an improved timetable.  Glenn has compiled a comprehensive user guide (WokingASCv2Guide.pdf – available to view or download below) with information on the Woking ASC, track layout and trains, together with useful tips for operation.

Also included in WokingASCv2.0.zip is a session (WokingASCv2Autosigs.ssn) with automatic signal routes set.

Glenn can be contacted at glennstrainz@hotmail.co.uk or using the comments section below.


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